This study was designed to determine lung volumes using inspiratory and expiratoryhelicalCT with two-dimensional (2D) andthree-dimensional (3D) postprocessing and to compare the accuracy of those measurementswith pulmonary function test results.
SUBJECTS AND METHODS.Seventy-two patients with suspected pulmonary disease underwent unenhanced helical CT (slice thickness, 8 mm; pitch, 2; increment, 8 mm) at deep inspiration and expiration. Lung volumes were determined using either a 2D approach (semi automatic segmentation; thresholds, â€"¿ 1024 and â€"¿ 200 H) or a 3D technique (double-threshold seeded volumes of interest; thresholds, â€"¿ 1024 H [lower] and â€"¿ 900, â€"¿ 500, â€"¿ 400, â€"¿ 300, or â€"¿ 200 H [upper]). Pulmonary function tests were available for correlation in all cases.RESULTS. Using inspiratory helical CT, we underestimated total lung capacity by 12%, which had a goodcorrelation( r = .89) with staticlung volumes.Volumerevealedby expira tory helical CT was equivalent to intrathoracic gas volume, which also exhibited a good corre lation ( r = .88). However, using expiratory helical CT, we overestimated residual volume by
ml with a rather good correlation ( r = .77). An emphysema index revealed moderate correlation with the relative forced expiratory volume in I sec (inspiration, r = â€"¿ .66; expiration, r = â€"¿ .54), whereas the expired volume showed a moderate correlation with the absolute forced expiratory volume in I sec ( r = .65). The 2D approach showed lower absolute volumes than the 3D technique (mean, 3.6%; r = .99). In the 3D technique, lower upper thresholds led to reduced volumes (170 ml/l00 H).
CONCLUSION.Inspiratory and expiratory helical CT show high correlation with static lung volumes. The 3D technique (â€"1024 to â€"¿ 200 H) is recommendedfor absoluteestimation of lung volumes.L ung volumes are routinely as sessedusing pulmonary function tests.Thesetestsallow global mea surement of static inspiratoty volumes (total lung capacity); static expiratory volumes (in trathoracic gasvolumeafternormalexpiration and the residual volume after maximum expi ration); and dynamic volumes, like the abso lute and relative forced expiratory volume in 1 sec (FEV1). However, measurement of unilat eral or regional lung volumes is a major chal lenge in lung function testing.Helical CT is widely regarded as the im aging technique of choice for the radiologic assessment of the thorax [ I , 2]. A volume ac quisition of the lungs can be obtained in a single breath-hold of about 20 sec. Global, regional, and density-based (emphysema in dex) area and volume measurementscan be easily performed. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the accuracy with respect to pulmonary function tests of measurements of lung volumes and hyperinflation based on helical CT scans obtained at inspiration and expiration. Different postprocessing tech niques and different thresholds, including the emphysema index, were compared.
Subjects and Methods
PatientsSeventy-twopatients(58 men, 14women)with a median age of 59 years (ra...