We introduce a new concept of statistical solution in the framework of weak solutions to the barotropic Navier-Stokes system with inhomogeneous boundary conditions. Statistical solution is a family {M t } t≥0 of Markov operators on the set of probability measures P[D] on the data space D containing the initial data [ 0 , m 0 ] and the boundary data d B. • {M t } t≥0 possesses a.a. semigroup property, M t+s (ν) = M t • M s (ν) for any t ≥ 0, a.a. s ≥ 0, and any ν ∈ P[D]. • {M t } t≥0 is deterministic when restricted to deterministic data, specifically M t (δ [ 0,m0,dB ]) = δ [ (t,•),m(t,•),d B ] , t ≥ 0, where [ , m] is a finite energy weak solution of the Navier-Stokes system corresponding to the data [ 0 , m 0 , d B ] ∈ D. • M t : P[D] → P[D] is continuous in a suitable Bregman-Wasserstein metric at measures supported by the data giving rise to regular solutions.