We consider the dynamical system consisting of a quantum degree of freedom A interacting with N quantum oscillators described by the LagrangianIn the limit N → ∞, with e 2 N fixed, the quantum fluctuations in A are of order 1/N. In this limit, the x oscillators behave as harmonic oscillators with a time dependent mass determined by the solution of a semiclassical equation for the expectation value A(t) . This system can be described, when x(t) = 0, by a classical Hamiltonian for the variables G(t) = x 2 (t) ,Ġ(t), A c (t) = A(t) , andȦ c (t). The dynamics of this latter system turns out to be chaotic. We propose to study the nature of this large-N limit by considering both the exact quantum system as well as by studying an expansion in powers of 1/N for the equations of motion using the closed time path formalism of quantum dynamics.