The paper addresses early work executed during the research study for RPSEA project 10121-4401-01 Ultra-Deepwater Riser Concepts for High Motion Vessels. The steel catenary riser is the simplest riser configuration but has limitations when attached to a high-motion vessel, such as a conventional semi-submersible or a ship-shape floating, production, storage, and offloading vessel (FPSO), in water depths approaching 10,000 feet. Further challenges are posed by the high-pressure, hightemperature reservoirs that can be encountered at these water depths. Alternate riser arrangements to meet the demands of both ultra-deepwater and high motion vessels are investigated. Production is assumed to be high pressure (20,000 psi SITP), high temperature (350°F), and sour. Configurations include wave shapes and other methods to reduce the coupling between vessel motion and the fatigue-critical riser touchdown zone. The work described in this paper is primarily concerned with static configuration and vessel payload considerations of the various riser material/configuration options.
OTC 24229The approach taken for this study is to use information gathered from published work and to extend the understanding with particular focus on high-motion vessels. Six riser types are considered (see Figs. 1-6): Steel (Rigid) Catenary Riser (SCR) Steel (Rigid) Lazy Wave Riser (SLWR) Steep Wave Riser (SWR) Compliant Vertical Access Riser (CVAR) Tension-leg Riser (TLR) Hybrid Riser Tower (HRT)The design basis for this study includes a shut-in tubing pressure of 20,000 psi at the subsea wellhead, determined with the guidance of the project working group. This effectively restricts the study to rigid pipe construction (steel, titanium, or fiberreinforced composite) and eliminates currently available flexible pipe products. The potential benefit of using a highintegrity pressure protection system (HIPPS) to reduce the ultimate pressure demand on the system is evaluated.
Extensions to Current State of the Art.Over the past 10 years, projects have demonstrated that conventional SCRs are feasible in water depths greater than 5,000 feet from a variety of host platforms that exhibit limited motions of the riser attachment point (e.g., Na Kika, Independence Hub, Thunder Horse, Perdido, and others). Banon et al. (2007) demonstrated analytically that even in 10,000-ft water depths in the GoM, SCRs can be made feasible with careful design of the host platform. When attached to hosts with significant heave dynamics like the ones considered in this study, however, conventional SCRs are perceived to have shortcomings with respect to fatigue life and compression in the lower portion of the riser.Regarding the other riser types, important work for 10,000-ft GoM waters was performed approximately ten years ago for the SLWR, TLR, and HRT concepts serving an FPSO host (see DeepStar, 2005). Since that time, ultra-deepwater projects for both the HRT (Song and Streit, 2011) and the TLR (INTECSEA, 2012) have been executed or are now under construction. The ...