Spiegelstein, H, and Mayak, S. 1985, The site of 1-amitiocy-cIopropane-1-carbosylic acid syntbesis in senescing carnation petals, -Physiol, Plant. 65;[196][197][198][199][200][201][202] To study the cause of the uneven production of ethyiene by upper and basal portions of detached petals of carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L, cv. White Sim), the petals were divided and exposed to ethylene (30 (il 1^' for 16 h). The treatment induced rapid wilting and autocatalytic ethylene production in the basai portion similar to that induced in entire petals. In contrast to the response in entire petals and the basal portions, the upper portions responded to ethylene by delayed wilting and much lower ethylene production, Aminocyclopropane carboxylic acid (ACC)-synthase activity in the basal portion of the petals was 38 to 400 times that in the upper portion. In yntreated detached petal pieces from senescing carnation flowers, etbylene production by tbe upper portion declined after 6 h while the basal portion was still producing ethylene at a steady rate 18 h later. Application of ACC to the upper portion of senescing petals increased their ethylene production, a-Aminooxyacetic acid (0,5 mM), reduced tbe ethylene production of the senescing basai portion more than that of the upper portion. Endogenous ACC eontent in basal portions of senescing carnation petals was 3 to 4 times higher than in the upper parts. When detached senescing petals were divided immediately after detaching, the endogenous ACC ieveis in upper portions remained steady or declined during 24 h after division, while in the basal portions the ACC level rose steadily as in the intact petals. There was no change in the conjugated ACC in either portioti after 24 b, Benzyladenine (BA) applied as a pretreatment to entire preclimacteric petals greatly reduced the development of ACCsynthase activity of the basal portion, but had little effect on tbe activity in the upper portioti of the petal. In both portions, however, BA effectively reduced the conversion of ACC to ethylene.Additional key words -Aminooxyacetie acid, benzyladenine, conjugated ACC, Dianthus caryophyllus, ethyiene forming enzyme, flower senescence, Y. Mor, A. H. Halevy (reprint requests), H. Spiegelstein .and S. Mayak,