1IntroductionNeurotransmitters are biochemical substancest hat are produced and secreted by an euron and then diffused across as ynapse to cause excitation or inhibition of other neurons. Dopamine,s erotonin, and epinephrine are exampleso fn eurotransmitters.D opamine (DA), 4-(2-aminoethyl) benzene-1,2-diol ( Fig.1)i sa no rganicc ompound of the catechol amine that plays important roles in the human brain and body.T he brain comprises several distinct dopamine systems, one of which plays an important role in reward-motivated behavior.M ost types of reward increase the level of dopamine in the brain.O ther brain dopamine systems control the release of various hormones and involvem otor control. Several diseases of the nervouss ystema re due to the dysfunctionso ft he dopamine system. Lacko fd opaminel evels in the body can cause Parkinson,s disease,h ighly altered levels of dopamine activity cause schizophrenia [1].O nt he otherh and, there are severalm ethods reported in the literature for the quantification of DA comprising voltammetry [2-6], UHPLC[ 7-10],H PLC [11-13],G C[ 14],c apillary electrophoresis [15-17],f luorimetry[ 18-22],e lectrochemiluminescence [23, 24],a ll of these methods are of highly costly,t ime consuming and involve derivatization steps. Biosensors [25] and potentiometric sensors [26-29] have also been reported.Serotonin, 3-(2-aminoethyl) indol-5-ol, or 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) ( Fig.1)i samonoamine neurotransmitter.I ti sp rimarily found in the gastrointestinal tract, blood platelets and the centraln ervous system of animal including humans.5 -HT is popularly thoughtt obe ac on-tributor to feelingso fw ell-being and happiness [ 30].T he most widely used methods for the quantification of serotonin are UHPLC [ 7,8],H PLC [31-33],G C[ 14],c apillary electrophoresis [15],v oltammetry [6,[34][35]and fluorimetry [36].S of ar,t here is no potentiometric sensorf or quantificationo fs erotonin in the literature.Epinephrine known also as adrenaline,( R)-4-(1-hydroxy-2-(methylamino) ethyl) benzene-1,2-diol( Fig. 1) is ah ormone and an eurotransmitter [37],e pinephrine and norepinephrine are separate but related hormones secreted by the medulla of the adrenal glands.T he word adrenalinei su sed in commonp arlancet od enotei ncreaseda ctivation of the sympathetics ystem associated with the energy and excitement of the fight-or-fight response [38]. Ther eported methodsf or the determination of adrenaline are voltammetry [ 5,39],U PLC [7,8,10],H PLC [13,12],c apillary electrophoresis [15,17] and fluorimetry [22].A lso therei sn op otentiometric sensor for the deter-Abstract:T hree neurotransmitter sensors for dopamine, serotonin, and epinephrine have been developed. Potentiometric sensors for serotonin and epinephrinea re novel and first to be introduced. Then eurotransmitter potentiometric sensors are based on using dibenzo-30-crown-10 (DB30C10), dibenzo-24-crown-8 (DB24C8), and dibenzo-18-crown-6 (DB18C6) as ionophores and neutral carriers incorporating in poly(vinyl chloride) matrix membrane plastici...