The various characteristics of catches and fishing gear provide distinct advantages for fishermen, but these characteristics can cause other problems, namely pressure on stock availability caused by an increase in the number of catches and the use of various types of fishing gear and the efficiency provided. There needs to be good management to handle this. The purpose of this research is to find out the clustering of fishing areas based on the catch and fishing gear type. This study can be regarded as a reference in sustainable fisheries management. The research utilized descriptive methods and case studies at PPP Bulu. The analytical method used is the Shannon-Wienner index of diversity (S-W,H'), Margalef richness (R') and clusterization. Clustering analysis was performed by using Hierachical Cluster Analysis (HCA) method and Euclidean distance. The results showed that the value of diversity has a range of 0-2 and the value of wealth has a range of 1-10. The results of the clustering show that there were 3 clusters of fishing areas formed based on the catch, while no clusters of fishing areas are formed based on the type of fishing gear operated.