Conformal prediction has received tremendous attention in recent years with several applications both in health and social sciences. Recently, conformal inference has offered new solutions to problems in causal inference, which have leveraged advances in modern discipline of semiparametric statistics to construct efficient tools for prediction uncertainty quantification. In this paper, we consider the problem of obtaining distribution-free prediction regions accounting for a shift in the distribution of the covariates between the training and test data. Under an explainable covariate shift assumption that the conditional distribution of the outcome given covariates is the same in training and test samples, we propose three variants of a general framework to construct well-calibrated prediction regions for the unobserved outcome in the test sample. Our approach is based on the efficient influence function for the quantile of the unobserved outcome in the test population combined with an arbitrary machine learning prediction algorithm, without compromising asymptotic coverage. Next, we extend our approach to account for departure from the explainable covariate shift assumption in a semiparametric sensitivity analysis. In all cases, we establish that the resulting prediction sets are well-calibrated in the sense that they eventually attain nominal average coverage with increasing sample size. This guarantee is a consequence of the product bias form of our proposal which implies correct coverage if either the propensity score or the conditional distribution of the response can be estimated sufficiently well. Our results also provide a framework for construction of doubly robust calibration prediction sets of individual treatment effects, both under unconfoundedness conditions as well as allowing for unmeasured confounding in the context of a sensitivity analysis. Finally we discuss aggregation of prediction sets from different machine learning algorithms to obtain tighter prediction sets and illustrate the performance of our methods in both synthetic and real data.