The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate and evaluate the parameter uncertainty in most of the proposed analytical oxidation models (1-6). First, the concept of the e-indifference range, i.e., IR(O) -R(0*) I -< e 2, is introduced. Then the problem of the determination of the parameters' uncertainty is converted into the determination of the e-indifference range. Methods are introduced to determine the e-indifference range, resulting in the parameter uncertainty range. The correlation matrices of the parameters for a number of models are given in this paper. The analytical results of this paper show that most of the analytical oxidation model parameters (1-6) are interdependent within a wide data-fitting and parameterextraction range, and as such suffer from a quite large uncertainty. Therefore, some physical mechanisms of oxidation which are concluded from, or proven by data-fitting only can be critically questioned and debated.