With the rapid development of wind industry, its integration causes inevitable and rapid power fluctuations in the power grid. To promote the integration of wind power and investigate the energy storage capability of electric vehicles (EVs), a smoothing control strategy is proposed to smooth the wind power fluctuations considering the battery energy storage system of EVs (EESS). Based on a proposed maximum operation area of an individual EV considering its traveling behaviors and traveling comfort level, the response parameters are defined to describe the response characteristics of the EV aggregator (EVA). The EESS can operate as an energy storage system composed of several EVAs with different response parameters. A smoothing control strategy is then developed to smooth the wind power fluctuations with the EESS. Considering the power fluctuation rate and the response capability of the EESS, the required power change of each EVA in the EESS is determined in the smoothing control. Then the required power output change is allocated to individual EVs in the EVA with the developed SOC-adaptive method and the power output limits constrained by the maximum operation area of each EV. Comparative results are provided to validate the effectiveness of the proposed smoothing control strategy. The EESS is able to smooth the wind power fluctuations, and the power output limits and the traveling comfort levels of individual EVs are ensured with the SOC-adaptive method and the constraints from the maximum operation areas.
K E Y W O R D Selectric vehicle (EV), energy storage system of EVs (EESS), power fluctuation, smoothing control, SOC-adaptive method, wind power