We consider the problem of estimating the states of weakly coupled linear systems from sampled measurements.We assume that the total capacity available to the sensors to transmit their samples to a network manager in charge of the estimation is bounded above, and that each sample requires the same amount of communication. Our goal is then to find an optimal allocation of the capacity to the sensors so that the average estimation error is minimized.We show that when the total available channel capacity is large, this resource allocation problem can be recast as a strictly convex optimization problem, and hence there exists a unique optimal allocation of the capacity. We further investigate how this optimal allocation varies as the available capacity increases. In particular, we show that if the coupling among the subsystems is weak, then the sampling rate allocated to each sensor is nondecreasing in the total sampling rate, and is strictly increasing if and only if the total sampling rate exceeds a certain threshold.the same for all pair (i, j), for i = j, are made to simplify the notations of the paper, but are not necessary for the results to hold. The Brownian motions w i are pairwise independent and the ν i (kτ 0 ) are pairwise independent normal random variables. The w i and ν i are also assumed to be independent.We refer to the system described in (1) as subsystem S i . The samples y i (kτ 0 ), k ∈ N, are sent over a common channel to a network manager whose objective is to estimate the states x i of the subsystems S i , for all i = 1, . . . , N , from these samples. The network manager needs to decide the schedule with which it receives the samples in order to minimize the estimation error. Note that since the systems are coupled, the knowledge of y i can help with the estimation of x j , for i = j.