In this chapter, we discuss the problem of preservation of two properties pertaining continuous-time systems under discretization, namely the properties of positivity and sparsity. In the first part of the chapter, the action of diagonal Padé transformations is studied together with the preservation of copositive quadratic and copositive linear Lyapunov functions. A variation of the scaling and squaring method is then introduced and shown to be able to preserve such Lyapunov functions and positivity for small sampling times. In the second part, besides positivity, the problem of preservation of the structure (sparseness) of the continuous-time system under discretization is analyzed. The action of the standard forward Euler discretization method is discussed and a new approximation method-mixed Euler-ZOH (mE-ZOH) is introduced that preserves copositive Lyapunov functions, the sparseness structure and the positivity property for all sampling times. 1.1. Introduction and statement of the problem This chapter is devoted to the study of the effects of discretization in the preservation of two properties pertaining linear systems, namely (1) positivity and (2) structure. The first property characterizes systems whose inputs, state