The mushroom body (MB) is an area of the insect brain involved in learning, memory, and sensory integration. Here, we used the sweat bee Megalopta genalis (Halictidae) to test for differences between queens and workers in the volume of the MB calyces. We used confocal microscopy to measure the volume of the whole brain, MB calyces, optic lobes, and antennal lobes of queens and workers. Queens had larger brains, larger MB calyces, and a larger MB calyces:whole brain ratio than workers, suggesting an effect of social dominance in brain development. This could result from social interactions leading to smaller worker MBs, or larger queen MBs. It could also result from other factors, such as differences in age or sensory experience. To test these explanations, we next compared queens and workers to other groups. We compared newly emerged bees, bees reared in isolation for 10 days, bees initiating new observation nests, and bees initiating new natural nests collected from the field to queens and workers. Queens did not differ from these other groups. We suggest that the effects of queen dominance over workers, rather than differences in age, experience, or reproductive status, are responsible for the queen-worker differences we observed. Worker MB development may be affected by queen aggression directly and/or manipulation of larval nutrition, which is provisioned by the queen. We found no consistent differences in the size of antennal lobes or optic lobes associated with differences in age, experience, reproductive status, or social caste.