a b s t r a c tCervical cancer remains a common malignancy in women. Lymph node is one of the significant important prognostic factors. Until now, there is no reliable investigative study that can evaluate nodal status the same as the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) clinical staging system. Radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy is still one option in the standard treatment of patients with early-stage cervical cancer that can reveal metastatic lymph node but which can also produce treatment-related morbidities and complications. Sentinel lymph node identification has become a valuable technique for nodal status assessment. If lymph node metastasis was identified early, then unnecessary invasive surgical operations and complications may be avoided.
IntroductionThe third most common female malignancy is cervical cancer; 530,000 new cases were diagnosed in 2008 1 and 250,000 deaths from it occurred in 2005, approximately 80% of deaths happened in developing countries. 2 Cervical cancer is still the fifth leading cause of cancer death (9.1 per 100,000) of women in Taiwan. 3 Nodal status is the most significant negative prognostic factor of cervical cancer and may also reveal the lymphatic spreading. 4 Likely as radical hysterectomy accompanied with pelvic lymphadenectomy still have the role in early stage cervical cancer treatment. If the risk factors of the lymphatic metastasis were identified, surgery may be skipped to another appropriate modality primarily. 5 Even though significant morbidity possibly occurred if extensive surgical procedures were performed. According to operative disadvantages, many studies were progressed for decreasing those adverse effects.
Basis of sentinel lymph node detectionSentinel lymph node (SLN) was defined as the first node in regional lymphatic basin that receives primary lymphatic drainage. 6,7 If SLN does not emerge, the remaining regional nodes should also be free of metastases. Thus SLN identification was an alternative resource for avoiding unnecessary lymphadenectomy and surgical interventions. The SLN concept is not only generated from many studies for nongynecologic tumors, such as penile cancer, 8 breast cancer, 9 and melanoma, 10,11 but it was also utilized for gynecologic malignancy treatment 12,13 thereafter. Nowadays, the practical lymphatic mapping methods use vital blue dye and lymphoscintigraphy techniques. 6,7,14 The modes for SLN identification are labeled as "hot" and/or "blue" as shown in Fig. 1. Types of materials and trial proceedings were selected dissimilarly.
Materials used for detecting SLNThere are various reporting methods for SLN detection, e.g., vital blue dye and radioactive isotopes in single or a combined technique. 6,15 The three most commonly used vital dyes are isosulfan blue, patent blue violet, and methylene blue by injection intradermally 5e10 mm in depth around the primary cervical tumor, avoiding tumoral or intravascular infusion directly to avoidance of high background signal intensity that can decline S...