The relative rates of synthesis and turnover of poly(A)-containing mRNAs were determined in the S-20 (cholinergic) and NIE-115 (adrenergic) neuroblastoma clones after 3 days treatment with dibutyryl cAMP or the phosphodiesterase inhibitor N-4-(3-butoxy-4-methoxybenzyl)-2-imidazolidinone (R020-1724) in an attempt to correlate transcriptional and posttranscriptional changes with observed CAMP-induced changes in the differentiated state. Treatment of S-20 cells with dibutyryl cAMP for 3 days caused a fourfold increase in intracellular cAMP and a 30% decrease in growth rate compared with the levels in control cells. However, there was no difference in the synthesis of the poly(A)-containing RNAs, relative to the ribosomal RNAs, after either 2-or 18-h labeling with 3H-adenosine. There was also no increase in the steady-state mRNA levels. Treatment with Ro20-1724 caused only a transient twofold increase in intracellular cAMP level when S-20 cells were plated at a low density, and no increase at higher densities although growth was inhibited by 60%. There was, again, no increase in the relative synthesis of poly(A)-mRNAs with 2-h label in cells treated with R020-1724, but there was a twofold increase after labeling for 18 h. Optical density measurements, however, showed that this increased incorporation of 3H-adenosine did not result in an increase in the absolute amount of unlabeled poly(A)-containing mRNAs. NIE-115 cells showed an 8-fold increase in intracellular cAMP after 3 days of treatment with Ro20-1724 and an 80% inhibition of growth rate. However, the relative rates of synthesis of the poly(A)-containing mRNAs were identical to those obtained using S-20 cells. These results show that neither increased intracellular cAMP levels nor growth inhibition necessarily result in a relative increase in the synthesis of the poly(A)-containing mRNAs in these neuroblastoma clones. There was no change in the synthesis or processing of the poly(A) regions of the mRNAs in the S-20 control and treated cells. In contrast to results with other cells, the poly(A) profiles were heterogeneous, even after 1 hour of labeling. The average size of the poly(A) region decreased similarly in control and drug-treated cells after 1, 2, and 18 h labeling.
In several systems, increases in intracellularcAMP levels result in an increase in the rate of synthesis of several proteins (Jost et al., 1970; Wicks et al., 1972; Chuang et al., 1975). An in-creased transcription of polyadenylated mRNA species has also been shown (Rosenfeld et al., 1972; Iynedjian and Hanson, 1977). For example, in the adrenal medulla, sympathetic stimulation causes a A b b r e v i a t i o n s u s e d : CAMP, Adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate; *Ro20-1724, 4(3-Butoxy-4 methoxybenzy1)-2-imidazolidinone; SDS, Sodium dodecyl sulfate; TCA, Trichloroacetic acid.