More than 30 molecular species of highly unsaturated mycolic acids, ranging from C,, to C,, and possessing between two and seven double bonds, have been obtained from a new genus of acid-fast bacteria, Gordona aurantiaca. They were fully separated and identified as their trimethylsilyl ether derivatives by a combination of silica gel thinlayer chromatography (TLC), argentation thin-layer chromatography and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). On silica gel thin-layer chromatography two adjacent spots, corresponding to mycolic acids possessing different structures of straight-chain and a-alkyl branch, were detected. The lower spot was separated by argentation TLC into four subclasses : monoenoic (including a small amount of saturated), dienoic, trienoic and tetraenoic mycolic acids ranging from c 6 2 to C,, and possessing a CI6 0, C,, or C20 alkyl branch at the C-2 position. The upper spot was separated by argentation TLC into five subclasses: dienoic (including a small amount of monoenoic), trienoic, tetraenoic, pentaenoic and hexaenoic (heptaenoic) acids ranging from c 6 4 to C78 and possessing a C,, or Czo alkyl branch at the C-2 position. These types of mycolic acid structure differ from those reported previously in Mycobacteria and Nocardia, in the numbers of both carbon atoms and double-bonds and the intermediate length of the cc-alkyl branch. The characteristic polyenoic structure of the straight-chain alkyl unit was also confirmed by GC/MS analysis of the meromycolaldehydes obtained after pyrolysis of the methyl mycolates. The major aldehydes obtained from the lower-spot mycolic acids were C,,, C46, C48, C50 and C,,, centering at C, , , while those from the upper-spot mycolic acids were C,,, C,,, C,,, C54 and C56, centering at C54. These aldehydes were also shown to possess between two and four double bonds in the lower-spot and between two and seven double bonds in the higherspot mycolic acids, respectively. The physiological role of such highly polyunsaturated mycolic acids in psychrophilic acid-fast bacteria is discussed.Mycolic acids (very-long-chain a-alkyl-P-hydroxy fatty acids) are the most characteristic component in the cell wall lipids of 'acid-fast' bacteria such as Mycobacteria and related taxa such as Nocardia, Rhodococcus and Corynebacteria [I -91. The structure of the mycolic acids varies greatly with the genera or species, particularly with respect to the hydrophobicity or acid-fastness of the cell walls. Therefore, they are recognized as not only being useful for chemotaxonomy, but also important physiologically. In general, mycobacterial cells grown under suitable conditions show strong acid-fastness in the acid-fast staining, while Nocardia and Rhodococcus manifest acid-fastness only weakly or partly [lo].Recently, Tsukamura et al. isolated a strongly acid-fast pathogenic bacterium, comparable to Mycobacteria, from the human sputum; the generic name Gordona aurantiaca was suggested [l 11. Taxonomical studies showed this species was situated at an intermediate position between M...