We present a necessary condition for ( − 1)-connected combinatorial (2 + 1)-manifolds to be tight. As a corollary, we show that there is no tight combinatorial three-manifold with Betti number at most two other than the boundary of the four-simplex and the nine-vertex triangulation of the three-dimensional Klein bottle.
MSC 2010: 57Q15; 57N10; 05A19where (a) n = a ⋅ (a + 1) ⋅ (a + 2) ⋅ . . . ⋅ (a + n − 1) denotes the Pochhammer symbol.As of today, the known cases of equality in (1.1) are the boundary of the simplex ( ≥ 1, β = 0) and the 13-vertex triangulation of SU (3) SO(3) ( = 2 and β = 1).As a direct consequence any (F-)tight connected combinatorial three-manifold M with β 1 (M, F) ≤ 2 cannot have more than 12 vertices. Together with further results presented in Section 6 and extended computer experiments this leads to the following.Corollary 1.2. The boundary of the simplex and the nine-vertex three-dimensional Klein Bottle S 2 S 1 are the only tight combinatorial three-manifolds with first Betti number at most two.denotes the number of i-dimensional faces of M . The zerodimensional faces of M are called vertices, the one-dimensional faces are called edges and the d-dimensional faces are referred to as facets. The set of vertices of M will be denoted by V (M ) or just V if M is given by the context. We call M k-neighbourly, if f k−1 = f0 k , i.e., if it contains all possible (k − 1)-dimensional faces. An n-vertex combinatorial d-manifold M distinct from the boundary of the (d + 1)-simplex can be at most (⌊ d+2 2 ⌋)-neighbourly. In this case the f -vector of an odd-dimensional combinatorial manifold M is already determined to be the one of the boundary complex of the (even-dimensional) cyclic (d + 1)-polytope with n vertices. This statement is known as the Upper Bound Theorem due to Novik [17] and Novik and Swartz [18]. Given a combinatorial manifold M with vertex set V (M ) and W ⊂ V (M ), the simplicial complex M [W ] = {σ ∈ M V (σ) ⊂ W }, i.e., the simplicial complex of all faces of M with vertex set in W , is called the sub-complex of M induced by W .
TightnessTightness is a condition on subsets of Euclidean space generalising the notion of convexity: an object is tight if it is "as convex as possible", i. e., as simple as possible, given its topological constraints. More precisely we have the following. Definition 2.1 (Tightness [12]). A compact connected subset M ⊂ E d is called k-tight with respect to a field F if for every open or closed half space h ⊂ E d the induced homomorphism H k (h ∩ M, F) → H k (M, F) is injective. If M ⊂ E d is k-tight with respect to F for all k, 0 ≤ k ≤ d, it is called tight.