Depart men t of C h em i cal Eng i neer i ng , U n iversi ty of Kentucky , Lexi ng ton, Kent u c ky 40506-0046 An extensive experimental investigation was conducted with activated carbon to establish the adsorption (equilibrium and kinetics) behavior of several metals from single and two metals systems in the presence of complexing agents. Triethylenetetramine (TRZEN) and EDTA were used as complexing agents. The extent of adsorption was found to be a function of metal and ligand types, ligand to metal ratio, p H , and metal chelate species distribution. Selective separation of valuable metals can also be achieved by the addition of complexing ligands to a mixture of strongly complexable metal (such as Cd2+ and Ni2+) and weakly complexable metal (such as Ba2+ and Ca2+).