Herpes simplex virus type 1(HSV-1) L-particles are known to be composed mainly of envelope and tegument proteins, to lack the nucleocapsid, and to be noninfectious. Thus L-particles represent interesting vaccine candidates. L-particles at > 1000/cell interfered with HSV-1 virion adsorption and penetration While L-particles did not affect HSV-1 growth kinetics in resting or nonresting BHK cultures infected with purified virions, treatment with L-particles before, or after, transfection with HSV-1 DNA resulted in a progressive increase in plaque numbers (five- to sixfold at 1000 L-particles/cell). Transfection assays using HSV-1 ts mutant DNA (ts 1201) revealed that enhancement was due to induction of otherwise nonreplicating genomes. The enhancement obtained with L-particles produced by WT HSV-1 or by mutants that are either deleted, or defective, in certain gene products was compared. Most important were the Vmw110 (ICP0) and Vmw65 (alpha-TIF) proteins, but VP11/12, VP13/14, and vhs also have a role. The L-particle-associated Vmw175 (ICP 4) protein did not appear be involved. The effect of homologous and heterologous combinations of pseudorabies virus, equineherpesvirus-1, and HSV-1 DNA's and L-particles was investigated in transfection assays. The L-particles of each virus, to varying extent, enhanced the plaquing efficiency of their own DNA but were also effective in heterologous combinations.