18Background 19 Foot and mouth disease (FMD) is one of the most economically important transboundary 20 animal diseases with devastating consequence on livestock production and wildlife 21 conservation. The objectives of the study were: to determine the seroprevalence of FMDV in 22 wildlife and cattle and identify circulating FMDV serotypes in wildlife and identify potential 23 risk factors that will contribute to transmission of the disease at the wildlife-livestock 24 interface in Yankari Game Reserve and Sumu Wildlife Park in Bauchi State, Nigeria.
26Blood samples were collected between 2013 to 2015 from some wildlife and cattle 27 respectively within and around Yankari Game Reserve (YGR) and Sumu Wildlife Park 28 (SWP) in Bauchi State, Nigeria. The Wild animals were immobilized for blood collection 29 using a combination of Etorphine Hydrochloride (M99® Krüger-Med South Africa ) at 0.5-2 30 mg/kg and Azaperone (Stresnil®, Janssen Pharmaceuticals (Pty.) Ltd., South Africa) at 0.1 31 mg/kg using a Dan-Inject® rifle (Dan-Inject APS, Sellerup Skovvej, Denmark) fitted with 3 32 ml dart syringe and for reversal, Naltrexone (Trexonil® Kruger-Med South Africa) at 1.5 mg 33 IM was used, cattle were restrained by the owners for blood collection. Harvested Sera from 34 blood were screened for presence of Antibodies against FMDV using prioCHECK® 3 ABC 35 NSP ELISA kit and positive samples from wildlife were serotyped using Solid-Phase
36Competitive ELISA, (IZSLER Brescia-Italy). Data obtained were analysed using Graphpad 37 Prism version 7.
39The results showed that 197 (65.7%) of the 300 serum samples from cattle and 13 (24.5%) of 40 the 53 serum samples from wildlife tested positive for antibodies to the highly conserved 2 41 non-structural 3-ABC protein of FMDV and statistically significant (P <0.05). Classification 42 of cattle into breed and sex showed that detectable antibodies to FMDV were higher (P 43 <0.05) in White Fulani 157 (72.8%) than red Bororo 23 (39.7%) and Sokoto Gudali 17 44 (33.3%) breeds of cattle whereas in females detectable FMDV antibodies were higher (P 45 <0.05) 150 (72.8%) than in males 47 (50.0%). In the wildlife species, antibodies to FMDV 46 were detected in waterbuck 2 (28.6%), elephant 1 (25.0%), wildebeest 4 (33.3%) and eland 6 47 (25.0%). Four serotypes of FMDV: O, A, SAT-1 and SAT-2 were detected from the 3-ABC 48 positive reactors in waterbuck, elephant, wildebeest and eland. Contact of wildlife and cattle 49 during utilization of the rich resources in the conservation areas is a potential risk factor for 50 the spread of FMDV in the study area. 51 Conclusions 52 Presence of FMDV antibodies in cattle and some wildlife were observed and serotypes of 53 FMDV: O, A, SAT-1 and SAT-2 were detected from the 3-ABC positive reactors in some of 54 the wildlife. The study highlights the need for active surveillance of FMDV in wildlife and 55 pastoral cattle within and around wildlife conservation areas in Nigeria. FMD surveillance 56 system, control and prevention progra...