SUMMARYAn open reading frame, designated AR1, on DNA component A of tomato golden mosaic virus has been identified as the virus coat protein gene on the basis of the molecular weight and amino acid composition of the virus capsid polypeptide, the mass spectra and N-terminal sequences of peptides produced by cyanogen bromide cleavage of the capsid polypeptide and by the binding of antibodies, induced by immunization of a rabbit with a fl-galactosidase-AR1 fusion protein, to the capsid polypeptide in a Western blot.Tomato golden mosaic virus (TGMV) belongs to the Geminivirus group of plant viruses, members of which are characterized by double-icosahedral particles and genomes of circular ssDNA (Hamilton et al., 1981 ;Matthews, 1982). Nucleotide sequence analysis of the infectious cloned DNA components of TGMV, DNA A and DNA B, has identified six open reading frames (ORFs) with the potential to code for proteins with 100 amino acids or more (Hamilton et al., 1984). Four of these, designated AR1, ALl, AL2 and AL3, are located on DNA A, and the other two, designated BR1 and BLI, are on DNA B, where R and L indicate a rightward or leftward orientation with respect to the "common regions', intergenic regions of about 200 bp in each DNA and having an almost identical sequence. None of the protein products of these ORFs has been directly identified. We now present evidence which proves that ORF AR1 codes for the coat protein.TGMV was isolated from systemically infected Nicotiana benthamiana plants and purified by sucrose density gradient centrifugation as described by Stein et al. (1983). To ensure that the preparation was completely free from host proteins, virus was further purified by centrifugation for 20 h at 115 000 g in a caesium sulphate density gradient in a Beckman SW50.1 rotor. The virus formed a single band with a density of 1.34 g/ml. The ultraviolet absorbance spectrum of the virus had a maximum at 258 nm and a minimum at 235 nm with an A260 :A280 ratio of 1.56 (not corrected for light scattering). When the virus was disrupted by heating in 1 ~o SDS containing 1 ~ 2-mercaptoethanol for 3 rain at 100 °C and analysed by SDS-PAGE (Laemmli, 1970), followed by staining with Coomassie Brilliant Blue R250, a single protein band was detected.The Mr of the capsid polypeptide species was determined by mixing with protein standards (ovalbumin, 45K; deoxyribonuclease, 31K; trypsinogen, 24K; tobacco mosaic virus capsid polypeptide, 17-5K; cytochrome c, 12K), subjecting the mixture to SDS-PAGE in 12~, 14~, 16 ~o, 18 ~o and 20 ~ polyacrylamide gels and measuring the relative mobility (RF) of each protein t Present address: