The current study was conducted to determine the occurrence of toxoplasmosis in patients presented to Emergency Department, General, Educational Baquba Hospital, and Al-Batool Hospital in Baquba City, Diyala Province, Iraq, on the dependence of Serological Examinations from November 2018 to February 2019.
Blood samples were collected from, 30 young females, 218 adult women, 49 young males and 203 adult men, Total, 500, suffered from different disease conditions (pregnancy troubles, hormonal disturbances, diabetes, healthy etc..). Latex Agglutination Test (LAT), Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA), were used to evaluate the presence of anti-Toxoplasma antibodies.
The results showed that, the percentage of positive reactors recorded by LAT test were 205 /500; 41 %, of which, 99\500; 19.8% in adult women, 7/500; 1.4% in young women, 81/500; 16.2% in adult men and 18/500; 3.6% in young men. While in ELISA, 22\100 ; 22%. Titer level of anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies ranged between (1/2 to 1/128). The infections were higher in adult women and men than young persons. The infections were higher in women than men.
In conclusion, titer levels referred that the patient suffer from chronic or carrier state.