Key pointsr Experiments on neonatal rodent spinal cord showed that serotonin (5-HT), acting via 5-HT 7 receptors, is required for initiation of locomotion and for controlling the action of interneurons responsible for inter-and intralimb coordination, but the importance of the 5-HT system in adult locomotion is not clear.r Blockade of spinal 5-HT 7 receptors interfered with voluntary locomotion in adult rats and fictive locomotion in paralysed decerebrate rats with no afferent feedback, consistent with a requirement for activation of descending 5-HT neurons for production of locomotion.r The direct control of coordinating interneurons by 5-HT 7 receptors observed in neonatal animals was not found during fictive locomotion, revealing a developmental shift from direct control of locomotor interneurons in neonates to control of afferent input from the moving limb in adults.r An understanding of the afferents controlled by 5-HT during locomotion is required for optimal use of rehabilitation therapies involving the use of serotonergic drugs.Abstract Serotonergic pathways to the spinal cord are implicated in the control of locomotion based on studies using serotonin type 7 (5-HT 7 ) receptor agonists and antagonists and 5-HT 7 receptor knockout mice. Blockade of these receptors is thought to interfere with the activity of coordinating interneurons, a conclusion derived primarily from in vitro studies on isolated spinal cord of neonatal rats and mice. Developmental changes in the effects of serotonin (5-HT) on spinal neurons have recently been described, and there is increasing data on control of sensory input by 5-HT 7 receptors on dorsal root ganglion cells and/or dorsal horn neurons, leading us to determine the effects of 5-HT 7 receptor blockade on voluntary overground locomotion and on locomotion without afferent input from the moving limb (fictive locomotion) in adult animals. Intrathecal injections of the selective 5-HT 7 antagonist SB269970 in adult intact rats suppressed locomotion by partial paralysis of hindlimbs. This occurred without a direct effect on motoneurons as revealed by an investigation of reflex activity. The antagonist disrupted intra-and interlimb coordination during locomotion in all intact animals but not during fictive locomotion induced by stimulation of the mesencephalic locomotor region (MLR). MLR-evoked fictive locomotion was transiently blocked, then the amplitude and frequency of rhythmic activity were reduced by SB269970, consistent with the notion that the MLR activates 5-HT neurons, leading to excitation of central pattern generator neurons with 5-HT 7 receptors. Effects on coordination in adults required the presence of afferent input, suggesting a switch to 5-HT 7 receptor-mediated control of sensory pathways during development.