Hastaların yarısı (n=42) 1,7 gr/gün metformin tedavisi alırken diğer 42 hasta tedavisiz izlendi. 6 aylık perioddan sonra hastaların laboratuar testleri karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: AMH düzeyleri tedavi öncesi benzerdi. Metformin tedavisi sonrası tedavi alan PCOS hastaları ve kontrol grubu AMH düzeyleri 6 aylık period sonrasında benzer düzeylerde bulundu. Tedavi edilmeyenlere göre 1.7 gr/gün metformin alan hastalarda AMH düzeyleri belirgin düşük olarak izlendi (p<0.001). Sonuç: AMH düzeyleri antral follikül volümü ve serum testosteron düzeyleri ile korelasyon gösteren bir parametredir. AMH ölçümünün, ovaryan yaşlanmayı değerlendirmede, polikistik over tanısında ve tedavi takibinde yeri olduğu araştırılmıştır. AMH düzeylerinin metformin tedabisi sonrası düşmesi, metforminin PCOS hastalarında kullanımını destekleyen bir veridir.
Objective:The polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a disorder of reproductive-aged women. The objective of this prospective randomised study was to observe antimullarian hormone (AMH) levels in patients with PCOS after metformin therapy. Method: A total of eighty-four(84) consequtive patients diagnosed according to the criteria proposed in Rotterdam and twenty(28) healthy volunteers were included in the study. Half of patients (42) were treated with 1. 7 gr/ day metformin for six months. The other patients (n=42) were observed without therapy for six months and all laboratory tests were compared with control group after 6-monthperiod Results: AMH levels were similar in two patient groups before treatment. After metformin therapy, AMH was measured significantly higher in PCOS-untreated group and PCOS+ metformin group before treatment(p<0.001); but no difference is observed after 6-month treatment with controls. There was no significant relationship between AMH level and ovarial stromal thickness or follicle number; whereas, a positive correlation was found with ovarian volume (p<0,05). Conclusion: Since serum AMH levels correlate with antral follicle volume and serum testosterone levels, AMH measurement could be used as a tool to evaluate ovarian ageing, to diagnose polycystic ovaries and follow efficacy of treatment. Serum AMH levels significantly decrease after metformin treatment, probably due to decrease in hyperinsulinemia.Anahtar Kelimeler: Polikistik over sendromu, metformin, antimüllerian hormon.