The patient is a 42-year-old man from the Midwest, who was referred to a rheumatologist because of pain in his right knee. He had a history of mild low back pain, and spondylolisthesis had been noted on radiographs. At the time of referral he was free of back pain. He was a recreational runner. Three years prior to referral, he had a left medial collateral ligament tear, which required surgical repair. One year prior to referral, he developed pain and swelling in his left first metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint while running. He was given an intramuscular injection of an unknown medication, and his symptoms improved.Four months prior to referral, he noted stiffness and snapping in the right knee. Full extension of the knee was difficult. Two months prior to referral, he suffered a mild twisting injury to the right knee and noted increasing stiffness thereafter. One month prior to referral, he consulted an orthopedic surgeon, who performed radiographs of the right knee. The arthroscopy demonstrated nodular changes within the synovium and irregular articular cartilage. No meniscal or ligamentous tear was present. The synovium was biopsied and samples were sent to pathology and to microbiology for culture. A portion of the sample was placed in formalin fixative and a portion was placed in absolute alcohol for pathologic evaluation. Hematoxylin and eosin (H & Ebstained sections of synovium revealed granulomatous synovitis, with giant cells. Findings on polarizing microscopy of the alcoholfixed, H & E-stained sections were negative. Special stains for mycobacteria and fungi, as well as routine cultures and cultures for acid-fast bacilli (AFB) and fungi, gave negative results.
DrThree weeks after the arthroscopy, the patient was seen in consultation by a rheumatologist. His interim history was notable for the development of mild pain and stiffness of the right forefoot, without antecedent injury. He had no pain in the left knee, low back, ankle, or heel. He denied having a malar or other rash, photosensitivity, iritis, conjunctivitis, nephrolithiasis, colitis, dysuria, fever, chills, weight loss, cough, or shortness of breath. He was taking acetaminophen plus codeine (Tylenol #3; McNeil, Fort Washington, PA), 1-2 tabletdday.