“…Yet research suggests that students better retain political knowledge when the information becomes more relevant through firsthand experience (Delli Carpini and Keeter 2000, Hepburn, Niemi, and Chapman 2000, and Hunter and Brisbin 2000. Hepburn, Niemi, and Chapman (2000) raise the arguments of theorist John Dewey (1916Dewey ( , 1938) that ''schooling should not be isolated from actual life experiences, and formal education should foster continuity between internal development and exposure to external surroundings'' (Hepburn, Niemi, and Chapman 2000, 617). They suggest that service learning increases civic City Council Meetings Are Cool 87 engagement by providing the ''interaction'' described by Dewey as essential (Hepburn, Niemi, and Chapman 2000, 617).…”