The present study aimed to identify psychological traits that can be integrated in a profile of the student in the field of I.T. For this it was selected a sample of students from the technical field (N = 175) that was assessed with the following questionnaires: Big Five Questionnaire (BFQ-2), Holland Self-Directed Search (SDS) and Questionnaire of professional guidance for career in the informatics systems field (COPSI). Methodological design used correlational and exploratory factorial analysis. The results suggests the considerable interaction between the model of vocational interests and the Five Factor model and their close relationship to characterize the personality. The group analysed is, generally, characterized by high investigative interests, generally, and toward IT, especially. Based on the fact that interests are important predictors of performance in academics we can state that there is a match between the structure of personality of students who have chosen to study the scientific and technical field and the environment in which they operate (one aspect of the broader person -environment fit theory). Determinants factors of group analyzed, as reflected in the factor analysis, advancing the folowings definition' s attributes of this: nonconformity orientation directed to the social sphere, creativity and social responsibility, entrepreneurial and managerial orientation and interests for technique and computer science.