For people aged 18-50 years there was no obvious association between gender and physical satisfaction. However, for respondents aged over 50 years, men were significantly more likely than women to report being extremely physically satisfied (52% of men vs. 32% of women), and extremely emotionally satisfied (52% of men vs. 32% of women). In general, married respondents were more likely than other respondents to report high levels of emotional satisfaction. In the Finnish study, 33% of women and 29% of men were 'very happy' with the emotional aspects of their regular relationships, and there was a significant correlation between higher levels emotional satisfaction and higher levels of pleasure from intercourse. 6 In a study of heterosexual couples in the US, sexual adjustment was related to greater agreement between the partner about sexual preferences and to men's greater understanding of their partner's sexual preferences.
7A meta-analysis of data from 177 studies found that men report a greater frequency of intercourse than do women.8 Among both Article