Recently, Gaiotto and Rapčák (GR) proposed a new family of the vertex operator algebra (VOA) as the symmetry appearing at an intersection of five-branes to which they refer as Y algebra. Procházka and Rapčák, then proposed to interpret Y algebra as a truncation of affine Yangian whose module is directly connected to plane partitions (PP). They also developed GR's idea to generate a new VOA by connecting plane partitions through an infinite leg shared by them and referred it as the web of W-algebra (WoW). In this paper, we demonstrate that double truncation of PP gives the minimal models of such VOAs. For a single PP, it generates all the minimal model irreducible representations of W -algebra. We find that the rule connecting two PPs is more involved than those in the literature when the U (1) charge connecting two PPs is negative. For the simplest nontrivial WoW, N = 2 superconformal algebra, we demonstrate that the improved rule precisely reproduces the known character of the minimal models.After the success of two-dimensional conformal field theory (CFT), the construction of the new chiral algebras and the study of their representation theory such as their minimal models had been an essential issue in string theory during the 80s. The first examples were the superconformal algebra (SCA) and the W-algebras [1].In the process of proving Alday-Gaiotto-Tachikawa (AGT) duality [2], there was a dramatical change in the analysis of the chiral algebra [3]. Instead of using the module generated by applying the chiral algebra generators, one introduces the orthogonal basis labeled by the Young diagrams, which also distinguish the fixed points in the instanton moduli space of the supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. Such basis describes a representation of affine Yangian [3,4,5,6] 1 . The equivalence between the W n -algebra with U(1) current and the affine Yangian was essential in the proof of AGT conjecture. Indeed, the affine Yangian is equivalent to W 1+∞ [µ] [7,8] which contains W n algebra as its truncation.Recently, Gaiotto and Rapčák [9] introduced a vertex operator algebra (VOA) through the intersection of D5, NS5 and (−1, −1) 5-brane and putting various numbers of D3-branes between these 5-branes. The algebra is called Y L,M,N [Ψ] where L, M, N are the non-negative integers which represent the number of D3-branes and Ψ ∈ C is the parameters of the algebra. By the analysis of gauge theory with the interfaces, they showed that the chiral algebra (or VOA) thus constructed can be described as the BRST reduction of various super Lie algebras. At the same time, the use of the trivalent vertex implies that it would be natural to connect them in the form of the Feynman diagram to generate new VOAs.Procházka and Rapčák [10] developed this idea further. They used a realization of Y L,M,N algebra through the affine Yangian. They used the fact that the plane partition (PP) with three asymptotes written by Young diagrams gave a natural representation of the affine Yangian and identified Y L,M,N with a degenerate representation...