We investigate the dynamics of nuclear fission, assuming purely diffusive motion up to the saddle point.The resultingSmoluchowski equation is solved for conditions appropriate to the ' 0+' Nd~'"Er reaction at 207 MeV. The solution is characterized by an equilibration time~0 for the system to reach steady state, and the fission decay rate in steady state, A. We find that the equilibration time~0 plays a very small role in determining the number of prescission neutrons. The diffusion coefficient extracted from the experimental data is larger than the theoretical in the work of Bush, Bertsch, and Brown by a factor of 5 -11.PACS number(s): 24.75.+i, 24.60.KyIt is necessary to understand the dynamics of large amplitude shape change in order to describe a number of processes for which the statistical model fails. This includes several effects associated with fission, including the emission of prescission neutrons [1 -3] and the emission of giant dipole photons [4]. On the theoretical side, large amplitude shape dynamics is most commonly treated assuming the average motion can be described by Newtonian mechanics with inertial and linear friction parameters