Additive manufacturing techniques have by far been utilised to make 3D passive components (i.e. resistors, inductors, and capacitors), circuit boards and packages of power electronic devices. This paper provides an overview of automatic assembling technologies and additive manufacturing applications in power converters, as well as the advantages and limitations of each additive manufacturing process in this area. It shows that direct metal laser sintering offers advantages for manufacturing inductors with the conductivity of 68% of the International Annealed Copper Standard (IACS) and magnetic cores with the permeability greater than 10000 at 50 Hz. The additive electronics from Nano Dimension show great promise for fabricating power converter PCBs with the conductivity from 25% to 50% IACS. Additive manufacturing in thermal management and packaging has been extensively studied and will spark more changes in these fields. Besides, the potential of the combination of automated and additive manufacturing in power electronic systems has also been discussed, which sets the basis for future development of advanced manufacturing of power electronics.