DOI: 10.1116/1.1586278
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Shape transformation of silicon trenches during hydrogen annealing

Abstract: Shape transformation of silicon trenches during annealing at high temperatures in a hydrogen ambient was investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). By SEM observation of the trench profiles, we found that the rate of shape transformation increases with decreasing hydrogen pressure. Performing the simulation based on a continuum surface model, we show that the shape transformation during annealing in a hydrogen ambient is due to surface self-diffusion. By quantitati… Show more

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Cited by 76 publications
(36 citation statements)
References 11 publications
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“…These values are in a good agreement with most of the literature data obtained from the measurement of the transformation of the shape of periodic superficial silicon structures. 7,13,20,21 However, both Kuribayashi et al 5 and Lee et al 6 have reported lower diffusivities with higher activation energies (Ea ¼ 3.5 eV). We note that their experimental data are obtained using structures with high aspect ratios (high local curvature) where the M-H model approximation is not appropriated (see the numerical analysis of the limits of M-H approximation in Ph.D. thesis by Dornel 21 ).…”
Section: Psd Hðx; Tþmentioning
confidence: 97%
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“…These values are in a good agreement with most of the literature data obtained from the measurement of the transformation of the shape of periodic superficial silicon structures. 7,13,20,21 However, both Kuribayashi et al 5 and Lee et al 6 have reported lower diffusivities with higher activation energies (Ea ¼ 3.5 eV). We note that their experimental data are obtained using structures with high aspect ratios (high local curvature) where the M-H model approximation is not appropriated (see the numerical analysis of the limits of M-H approximation in Ph.D. thesis by Dornel 21 ).…”
Section: Psd Hðx; Tþmentioning
confidence: 97%
“…Many authors have experimentally studied surface self-diffusion through the shape transformation of periodic superficial silicon structures during annealing at high temperature (above the silicon roughening temperature). [5][6][7] At high temperatures, the surface tends to reduce its energy by minimizing surface area using self-diffusion of adatoms. Then, the evolution of surface topography by mass transport can be quantitatively described by a surface selfdiffusion mechanism.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…It is usually used to decrease a disarray and an internal stress in a silicon wafer (Kuribayashi et al 2003). By applying the hydrogen anneal at 1,000-1,300°C, silicon atoms on surfaces spontaneously move to minimize the surface potential.…”
Section: Concept Of the Opticsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In this equation, k is Boltzmann's constant, T is the absolute temperature, D s is the temperature dependent surface diffusion constant, g s is the surface energy density, O is the atomic volume, n s is the density of atoms diffusing at the surface and R c is the pore radius. It is reported that increasing the temperature leads to a shorter time constant, t c , because of the exponential increase of D s in a medium [14].…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%