For normalized analytic functions f in the unit disk, the estimate of the integral meansis important in certain problems in fluid dynamics, especially when the functions f (z) are non-vanishing in the punctured unit disk 0 < |z| < 1. We consider the problem of finding the extremal function f which maximizes the integral means L 1 (r, f ) for f belong to certain classes of analytic functions related to sufficient conditions of univalence. In addition, for certain subclasses F of the class of normalized univalent and analytic functions, we solve the extremal problem for the Yamashita functionaldenotes the area of the image of |z| < r under z/ f (z). The first problem was originally discussed by Gromova and Vasil'ev in 2002 while the second by Yamashita in 1990.
Preliminaries and main resultsDenote by H the family of all functions f which are analytic in the unit disk D := {z ∈ C : |z| < 1} and by A the subfamily of H with the normalization f (0) = 0 = f (0) − 1. Also, let S = { f ∈ A : f is univalent in D} and S * := S * (0) ⊂ S denote the class of all starlike (univalent) functions in D. Here S * (β) denotes the family of starlike functions of order β, i.e., functions f ∈ S such that [7]