We numerically simulate the uniform athermal shearing of bidisperse, frictionless, two dimensional spherocylinders and three dimensional prolate ellipsoids. We focus on the orientational ordering of particles as an asphericity parameter α → 0 and particles approach spherical. We find that the nematic order parameter S2 is non-monotonic in the packing fraction φ, and that as α → 0 S2 stays finite at jamming and above. The approach to spherical particles thus appears to be singular. We also find that sheared particles continue to rotate above jamming, and that particle contacts preferentially lie along the narrowest width of the particles, even as α → 0.Models of athermal (T = 0) granular materials have often focused on the simplest case of spherical particles. Recently, however, more attention has been paid to the case of elongated particles with lower rotational symmetry [1]. The question then arises whether such elongated particles will orientationally order as the particle density increases, so as to pack more efficiently. While elongated particles in thermal equilibrium are known to have a nematic orientational ordering transition [2, 3], recent works have found that such particles do not orientationally order upon athermal isotropic compression [4][5][6][7][8].Orientational ordering is, however, found when elongated particles are placed in an athermal uniform shear flow. In this case, drag forces between the particle and the flow will cause the particle to tumble [9]. If the particle is asymmetrical, with unequal eigenvalues of its moment of inertia tensor, tumbling will have a non-uniform rotational velocity; the torque from drag forces will vary with the particle's orientation, and the particle will on average align with the flow direction. For a finite density of colliding particles, nematic ordering remains but the nematic director becomes oriented at a finite angle with respect to the flow direction [10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18].Here we investigate the nematic ordering of frictionless, aspherically shaped particles, athermally sheared at constant strain rateγ, putting the system into a steady state of simple shear flow. We consider behavior as an asphericity parameter α → 0, and the particles approach spherical. We find the surprising result that a finite nematic ordering persists even as α → 0, suggesting that the shear driven jamming of aspherical particles has a singular limit as α → 0. Since most particles in nature are not truly spherical, our result may have broad implications for granular shear flows.Models: We consider two different numerical models: (i) spherocylinders in two dimensions (2D), and (ii) prolate ellipsoids in three dimensions (3D). In both cases we take a bidisperse distribution of particle sizes, with equal numbers of big and small particles. We use softcore particles with a one-sided harmonic elastic repulsion. The system length is L in all directions, with periodic boundary conditions along the flow directionx, and Lees-Edwards boundary conditions [19] with a uniform stra...