In recent years, the additional risk posed to the built environment due to aftershock sequences and triggered events has been brought to attention, and several efforts have been directed towards developing fragility functions for structures in damaged conditions. Despite this rise of interest, a rather fundamental component for such tasks, namely that of aftershock ground motion record selection, has remained under-scrutinized. Herein, we propose a pragmatic procedure that can be applied for the selection of mainshock-aftershock ground motion pairs using consistent causal parameters and accounting for the correlation between their spectral accelerations. In addition, a structural analysis strategy that can be employed for the analytical derivation of damage-dependent fragility functions is outlined and presented through a case study. A more conventional back-to-back IDA analysis is also carried out in order to compare the derived damagedependent fragility functions with the ones obtained with the proposed procedure. The results indicate that record selection remains a crucial factor even when assessing the structural vulnerability of damaged buildings, and should thus be treated cautiously.
K E Y W O R D Saftershock risk, damage accumulation, damage-dependent fragility functions, ground motion record selection, mainshock-aftershock sequences