We propose a unified realistic shell-model Hamiltonian employing the pairing plus multipole Hamiltonian combined with the monopole interaction constructed starting from the monopole-based universal force by Otsuka et al. (Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 012501 (2010)). It is demonstrated that the proposed PMMU model can consistently describe a large amount of spectroscopic data as well as binding energies in the p f and p f 5/2 g 9/2 shell spaces, and could serve as a practical shell model for even heavier mass regions. PACS numbers: 21.30.Fe, 21.60.Cs, 21.10.Dr, 27.50.+e The nuclear shell-model interaction can in principle be derived microscopically from the free nucleon-nucleon force. In fact, such attempts were made in the early years for the beginning of the shell [1,2]. However, it was soon after realized that such an interaction fail to describe binding energies, excitation spectra, and transitions if many valence nucleons were considered. To reproduce experimental data, considerable efforts have been put forward to construct the so-called effective interactions, such as USD [3] and USDA/B [4] for the sd shell, KB3G [5] and GXPF1A [6] for the p f shell, and JUN45 [7] and jj4b [8] for the p f 5/2 g 9/2 model space. Each of these interactions is applicable to a given model space while mutual relations among them are obscure. On the other hand, it has been shown [9] that realistic effective interactions are dominated by the pairing plus quadrupole-quadrupole (P + QQ) terms with the monopole interaction. This finding not only makes the understanding of effective interactions in nuclei intuitive, but may also be used to unify effective interactions for different model spaces. In particular, one may begin to talk about universality for shell models.Along the lines of this thought, we have carried out shellmodel calculations using the extended P + QQ Hamiltonian combined with the monopole terms (EPQQM), which are regarded as corrections for the average monopole interaction. It has been demonstrated that despite of its simplicity, this EPQQM model works surprisingly well for different mass regions, for example, the proton-rich p f shell [10] and the p f 5/2 g 9/2 shell [11], the neutron-rich f pg shell [12], and the sd-p f shell region [13]. It has also been successfully applied to the neutron-rich nuclei around 132 Sn [14,15]. However, these calculations rely heavily on phenomenological adjustments on the monopole corrections. Consequently, the EPQQM model cannot describe binding energies or unusual structures such as the first excited 0 + state of Zn and Ge isotopes around N = 40 [16], and it essentially provides no information about the unconventional shell evolution in neutronrich nuclei.The monopole interaction is a crucial ingredient for successful shell-model calculations. It is defined as [17]where V JT ab,ab are the interaction matrix elements. The connection between the monopole interaction and the tensor force [18] was confirmed, which explains the shell evolution [19]. It was shown [20,21] shown by open and ...