Recent experimental results on the thermal decomposition of N205 in N2 are evaluated in terms of unimolecular rate theory. A theoretically consistent set of fall-off curves is constructed which allows to identify experimental errors or misinterpretations. Limiting rate constants k o = "21 2.2 X lo-:' (T/300)-4.4 exp(-11,080/T) cm3/molec.s over the range of 220-300 K, k , = 9.7 X l O I 4 (T/300)+O exp(-l1,080/T) s-l over the range of 220-3oO K, and broadening factors of the fall-off curve F,,,, = exp(-T/250) + exp(-1050/T) over the range of 220-520 K have been derived. NO? + NO3 recombination rate constants over the range of 200-300 K are krec,o = "21 3.7 X (T/300)-4-' cmfi/molec2.s and k , , , , = 1.6 X (T/300)+0-2 cmg/molec.s.