“…Innovations to improve the fidelity of coastal physics‐based models have had a noticeable impact on the skill of coastal‐change simulations during individual storm events, but so far have arguably not had the same effect on long‐term simulation of beach processes. On the other hand, simplified, parametrized, and increasingly probabilistic coastal change models, which are most often based on the concept of “equilibrium” (e.g., Davisdon et al., 2013; Hunt et al., 2023; Miller & Dean, 2004; Wright & Short, 1984; Yates et al., 2009), have provided the biggest recent innovation in the prediction of long‐term (e.g., multi‐annual to decadal+) coastal change. Although both physics‐based and parameterized (reduced‐complexity) coastal‐change models will benefit from increased availability of observations, we believe the simplified models will receive the greatest returns from data‐integration efforts for a number of different reasons: (a) simplified models can be readily calibrated to real‐world, site‐specific shoreline observations in contrast to more expensive, monolithic models, which also require full bathymetric and topographic surveys for validation, (b) simplified models, mainly due to their significantly shorter runtimes, can be readily applied in a probabilistic sense (e.g., using Monte Carlo methods), and thus will excel in propagating, quantifying, and balancing uncertainty (in both modeling and observational components) in contrast to more expensive and consequently more deterministic models, (c) simplified models can be readily adapted to produce multi‐model ensemble predictions, and (d) simplified models are amenable to data‐assimilated operational modeling (e.g., based on EnKF methods) as well as scenario‐based modeling of future coastal change.…”