HighlightsCombination of vitelline fistula and omphalocele during postnatal life is a rare congenital.Non-meconium stained amniotic fluid does not proved the absence of patent vitelline fistula.At birth, vitelline fistula associated with omphalocele can be easily diagnosed by the stoma like lesion located lateral to umbilical cord insertion and post-partum passage of meconium stool.Bowel perforation with rupture of omphalocele sac can be differentiated by the absence of meconium contamination of abdomen, absence inflammatory change of bowel and stoma like lesion on the intact omphalocele sac.Surgical option for vitelline duct, includes fistulectomy, wedge resection or segmental resection of bowel while omphalocele can be close depending of the size defect, either primary or stage repair.