“…The characteristics of each of the included studies are shown in Table 1, with a more detailed summary in Multimedia Appendix 2. [43] Staff Depression, posttraumatic stress disorder V, P b , TM c , E d , M e Description of transition to telemedicine Anton et al [44] Staff Mixed V Description of transition to telemedicine Barney et al [45] Staff (n=145) Mixed V Survey of psychotherapists' attitudes toward online psychotherapy Békés et al [46] Staff (n=190) Mixed V, P Survey of psychoanalytical therapists' experiences of videoconference therapy during the pandemic Békés et al [47] Staff Dementia V, P, TM Description of service changes due to the pandemic Benaque et al [48] General population (15,170 calls) Mixed P Description of the use of a psychological helpline Berdullas Saunders et al [49] Staff (n=158) Dementia NA f Survey of staff perspectives on delivery of services to older adults during the pandemic Bhome et al [50] Staff (n=11) Mixed V, TM, O g Interviews with health professionals on the sustainability of online treatment after the pandemic Bierbooms et al [51] Staff (n=308) Mixed V, P, M Survey of psychotherapists' experience with telepsychotherapy during the pandemic Boldrini et al [52] Service users (n=22) Mixed NA Interviews with people with mental health conditions on their experience during the pandemic Burton et al [53] Staff (n=71) Mixed NA Survey to explore the impact of the pandemic on the functioning of mental health services Carpiniello et al [54] Service users (n=6) Psychosis and bipolar V Evaluation of a crisis intervention for patients diagnosed with psychosis Cheli et al [55] NA (description of service change) Mixed V, P Description of changes made to mental health services due to the pandemic Chen et al [56] Service users Mixed V, P Description of changes made in an outpatient psychiatric service due to the pandemic Childs et al [57] Service users Mixed V, P Evaluation of teleconsultation during the pandemic Colle et al [58] NA (description of service change) Mixed V, P Description of changes to services during the pandemic Connolly et al [29] NA (description of service change) Eating disorders V Description of transition to telehealth during the pandemic Datta et al [59] Staff (n=108) Mixed V, P, O, E Exploration of mental health professionals' attitudes regarding information and communications technology use Dores et al [60] Staff Mixed V Exploration of use of telehealth in a student counseling service during the pandemic Erekson et al [61] Staff (n=51) Mixed V, P, O, E Exploration of staff experience...…”