Summary The cell kinetics of 82 squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck were studied by in vivo administration of the thymidine analogue, bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd). Ploidy, BrdUrd labelling index (LI), duration of S-phase (Ts), potential doubling time (Tpot) and S-phase (Steel, 1977;Meyer, 1982). Cell kinetic studies in man, until recently, have been limited to in vitro investigations because of the ethical constraints of administering radioactive DNA precursors to patients. Tritiated thymidine labelling of freshly excised tissue followed by autoradiography has been widely used (Gentili et al., 1981;Brandt & Olsson, 1987;Courdi et al., 1989;Meyer & Bauer, 1975). The development of flow cytometric methods for measuring DNA content, particularly in paraffin embedded archival material, has resulted in DNA ploidy and S-phase fraction analysis being performed for many tumour types (Cornelisse et al., 1987;Armitage, 1985;Feichter et al., 1987