The purpose of this study was to analyze the shape of the sella turcica in a group of patients with Down syndrome and compare the findings with those made earlier in human fetuses with Down syndrome. Profile radiographs from 78 patients (age 4 months to 50 3/12 years) were analyzed. A tracing was made of each sella turcica, and the shape was compared with that of a normal sella, including the normal growth pattern from childhood to adulthood. Sella turcica structure could be classified into three morphological types, defined as: type I, almost normal appearance; type II, deviations in the anterior wall; and type III, deviations in the floor of the sella turcica. Compared with previously registered prenatal structural deviations in the sella turcica, it can be concluded that the postnatal radiographic material reflects the prenatal findings, because type I, both prenatally and postnatally, is by far the most common, whereas the remaining types are uncommon, both prenatally and postnatally. The study confirms the relevance of prenatal investigations for postnatal diagnostics as previously documented in sella turcica analyses of prenatal and postnatal myelomeningocele cases.