We consider the problem of shot noise in resonant tunneling through double quantum dots in the case of interacting particles. Using a many-body quantum mechanical description we evaluate the energy dependent transmission probability, the total average current and the shot noise spectrum. Our re- The notion of quasi-particles of fractional charge has been introduced for almost two decades to explain the Fractional Quantum Hall (FQH) effect [1]. Yet, despite intensive efforts, the nature of these quasi-particles is not completely understood. An important progress, however, has been made in this direction with experiments on quantum shot-noise [2-4] leading to direct measurement of the quasi-particle fractional charge. In fact, for noninteracting particles of charge q the zero frequency spectral density at zero temperature is given by [5]where I is the current and t is the transmission coefficient through the device. In the FQH regime q is given by the quasi-particle charge, e * .