A new technol. to coat open-celled foams homogeneously by using a vertical centrifuge and shear-thinning slurries is presented. The technol. is exemplified by a complex multilayer-coated foam for catalytic applications (Fig. 3). Furthermore, a new calcn. model for the estn. of coating thickness and for quality assessment is introduced and proved by comparing the calcd. and exptl. data. Based on these results, various material combinations are shown, e.g., layers made of rough particles, zeolites, activated carbon, γ-Al2O3, perovskites, mullite, and yttria-alumina-garnet on SiC-, Al2O3-, or cordierite foams. Theses "functionalized foams" can be used for a wide variety of practical applications, e.g., as adsorbents and catalysts in environmental engineering, as preforms for metal ma trix composites, and for special purpose applications that require corrosion and oxidn. resistance