2.3 kV 4H-SiC split-gate (SG) planar accumulation-channel power MOSFETs have been successfully manufactured in a 6 inch commercial foundry with good parametric distributions. The measured electrical characteristics of these devices are compared with conventional ACCUFETs manufactured with the same cell-pitch and process to quantify the improved performance. The gate charge and high-frequency figures-of-merit (HF-FOM) of the 2.3 kV SG-MOSFETs were experimentally verified to be a factor of 1.8x better than that of the conventional MOSFETs with no difference in specific on-resistance.INDEX TERMS 4H-SiC, 2.3 kV devices, accumulation channel, C gd , planar-gate MOSFET, Q gd , R on,sp , silicon carbide, split-gate.