CMB-S4, the next-generation
ground-based cosmic microwave background (CMB) observatory, will
provide detailed maps of the CMB at millimeter wavelengths to
dramatically advance our understanding of the origin and evolution of
the universe. CMB-S4 will deploy large- and small-aperture telescopes
with hundreds of thousands of detectors to observe the CMB at
arcminute and degree resolutions at millimeter wavelengths.
Inflationary science benefits from a deep delensing survey at
arcminute resolutions capable of observing a large field of view at
millimeter wavelengths. This kind of survey acts as a complement to a
degree angular resolution survey. The delensing survey requires a
nearly uniform distribution of cameras per frequency band across the
focal plane. We present a large-throughput (9.4° field of view),
large-aperture (5-m diameter) freeform three-mirror anastigmatic
telescope and an array of 85 cameras for CMB observations at arcminute
resolutions, which meets the needs of the delensing survey of CMB-S4.
A detailed prescription of this three-mirror telescope and cameras is
provided, with a series of numerical calculations that indicates
expected optical performance and mechanical tolerance.