The physics of atomic quantum gases is currently taking advantage of a powerful tool, the possibility to fully adjust the interaction strength between atoms using a magnetically controlled Feshbach resonance. For fermions with two internal states, formally two opposite spin states ↑ and ↓, this allows to prepare long lived strongly interacting three-dimensional gases and to study the BEC-BCS crossover. Of particular interest along the BEC-BCS crossover is the so-called unitary gas, where the atomic interaction potential between the opposite spin states has virtually an infinite scattering length and a zero range. This unitary gas is the main subject of the present chapter: It has fascinating symmetry properties, from a simple scaling invariance, to a more subtle dynamical symmetry in an isotropic harmonic trap, which is linked to a separability of the N-body problem in hyperspherical coordinates. Other analytical results, valid over the whole BEC-BCS crossover, are presented, establishing a connection between three recently measured quantities, the tail of the momentum distribution, the short range part of the pair distribution function and the mean number of closed channel molecules.The chapter is organized as follows. In section 1, we introduce useful concepts, and we present a simple definition and basic properties of the unitary gas, related to its scale invariance. In section 2, we describe various models that may be used to describe the BEC-BCS crossover, and in particular the unitary gas, each model having its own advantage and shedding some particular light on the unitary gas properties: scale invariance and a virial theorem hold within the zero-range model, relations between the derivative of the energy with respect to the inverse scattering length and the short range pair correlations or the tail of the momentum distribution are easily derived using the lattice model, and the same derivative is immediately related to the number of molecules in the closed channel (recently measured at Rice) using the