We investigate a privacy-signaling game problem in 1 which a sender with privacy concerns observes a pair of corre-2 lated random vectors which are modeled as jointly Gaussian. 3 The sender aims to hide one of these random vectors and 4 convey the other one whereas the objective of the receiver is 5 to accurately estimate both of the random vectors. We analyze 6 these conflicting objectives in a game theoretic framework with 7 quadratic costs where depending on the commitment conditions 8 (of the sender), we consider Nash or Stackelberg (Bayesian 9 persuasion) equilibria. We show that a payoff dominant Nash 10 equilibrium among all admissible policies is attained by a set 11 of explicitly characterized linear policies. We also show that a 12 payoff dominant Nash equilibrium coincides with a Stackelberg 13 equilibrium. We formulate the information bottleneck problem 14 within our Stackelberg framework under the mean squared error 15 distortion criterion where the information bottleneck setup has 16 a further restriction that only one of the random variables is 17 observed at the sender. We show that this MMSE Gaussian 18 Information Bottleneck Problem admits a linear solution which 19 is explicitly characterized in the paper. We provide explicit 20 conditions on when the optimal solutions, or equilibrium solutions 21 in the Nash setup, are informative or noninformative.22