We study the effect of strong longitudinal color fields (SCF) in p+p reactions up to Large Hadron Collider energies in the framework of the HIJING/BB v2.0 model that combines (collinear factorized) pQCD multiple minijet production with soft longitudinal string excitation and hadronization.The default vacuum string tension, κ 0 = 1 GeV/fm, is replaced by an effective energy dependent string tension, κ(s) = κ 0 (s/s 0 ) 0.06 that increases monotonically with center-of-mass energy. The exponent λ = 0.06 is found sufficient to reproduce well the energy dependence of multiparticle observables in RHIC, Tevatron, as well as recent LHC data. This exponent is half of that predicted by the Color Glass Saturation (CGC) model, λ CGC = 0.115, where gluon fusion multiparticle production mechanisms are assumed. In HIJING/BB v2.0, the rapid growth of dN ch /dη with energy is due to the interplay of copious minijet production with increasing of strong color field (SCF) contributions. The large (strange)baryon-to-meson ratios measured at Tevatron energies are well described. A significant enhancement of these ratios is predicted up to the highest LHC energy (14 TeV). The effect of JJ loops and SCF on baryon-anti-baryon asymmetry, and its relation to baryon number transport, is also discussed.PACS numbers: 12.38. Mh, 24.85.+p, 25.40Ve, 1