The Laboratory Operations of The Aerospace Corporation is conducting experimental an(l theoretical investigations necessary for the evaluation and application of seientific advances to new military space systems.Versatility and flexibility have been developed to a high degree by the laboratory personnel in dealing with the many problems encountered in the nation's rapidly developing space sysu~ms. Expertise in the latest: scientific developments is vita] to the accomplishment of tasks related to these problems. The laboratories that contribute to this research are:Aerophysics Laboratory: Launch vehicle and reentry aerodynamic.s and heat transfer, Jrropulsion chemistry and fluid mechanics, structural mechanics, flight dynamics; high-temperature thermornechanlcs, gas kinetics and radiation; research in environmental chemistry and contamination; cw and pulsed chemical laser development including chemical kinetics, spectroscopy, optical resonators and beam pointtng, atmospheric propagation, laser effects and countermeaSLlres.
Chemistry and Physics Laboratory:Atmospheric chemical reactions, atmospheric optics~ light scattering, state-specific chemical reactions and radiation transport 1n rocket plumes, applied laser spectroscopy, laser chemistry, battery el(:!ctrochemistry, space vacuum and radiation effects on materials, lubrication and surface phenomena, thermionic emission, photosensitive materials and detectors, atomic frequency standards, and bioenvironmental n~search and monitoring.
Electronics Research Laboratory:Microelectronics, GaAs IOy7-noise and power devices, semiconductor lasers, electromagnetic and optical propagation phenomena, quantum electronics, laser communications, lidar, and electro-optics; communicatj on sciences, applied electronics, semiconductor crystal and device physics, radiometric imaging; millimeter-'wave and microwave technology.Information Scij~nces Research Office: Program verification, program translatio~·-p€~rformance·-sensitive system -'design, distributed architectures for spaceborne computers, fault-tolerant computer systems, artificial intelligence, and microelectronics applications.Mate:dals Sciences Laboratory: Development of new materials: metal matrix composites,-polymers~ new forms of carbon; component failure analysis and reliability; fracturl~ mechanics and stress corrosion; evaluation of materials in space environment; materials performance in space transportation systems; analysis of sy':tems vulnerability and survivability in enemy-induced envi:conments.
Space Sciences Laboratory:Atmospheric and ionospheric physics, radiation from the atmosphere, dens~and composition of the upper atmosphe"re, aurorae and airg10\7; magnetospheric physics, cosmic rays, generation and propagation of plasma waves tn the magnetosphere; solar physics, infrared astronomy; the effects of nuclear explosions, magnetic storms, and solar activity on the earth's atmosphere, ionosphere, and magnetosphere; the effects of optical, electromagnetic, and particulate radiations in space on space systems....